What do you get when a 93-year-old and a two-year-old get together? Bombay Sweet Shop’s desserts steeped in nostalgia with a hint of the modern

The kitchens at Bombay Sweet Shop (BSS) are stacked with packets of Parle G. The chefs deftly make their way through these as they crush and crumble the biscuits, whipping up the brand’s newest range of desserts. Started in 2000 in Mumbai, and known for reinventing traditional Indian sweets and giving them a hip modern avatar, the brand this time has collaborated with the iconic Parle G biscuit to bring about their latest offering — The Geniusly Sweet Collection featuring Parle G Fudge and Chai Biscuit Choco Barks. “We are a young brand and it has been an honour to tie up with a 93-year-old brand like Parle Products,” says Sameer Seth Seth, founder and CEO of Hungry Inc Hospitality that owns Bombay Sweet Shop.
Five hundred and forty kilograms of biscuits have gone into creating this limited edition collection. “But given the demand, it may not be limited anymore,” says Sameer. “The idea was to take one of our favourite childhood memories and recreate something out of it,” he adds.